CALERUEGA CHURCH, BATANGAS: travel guide & how to get There

2019 • 12 • 29

As a kid, I’ve always been so fascinated with chapels, especially those unassuming village chapels. While large and spacious churches exude grandeur and class, small and modest chapels radiate simplicity and serenity.

Caleruega’s Transfiguration Chapel, the property’s main draw, embraced me with that warm welcoming feeling, an ideal feature for a retreat destination. but other than being a place for reflection and prayer, the chapel bears witness to many unions of people vowing everlasting love for each other.

The place got its name from the municipality of Caleruega in Spain, the birthplace of the father of the order of the Preachers, Saint Dominic de Guzman. It was built to serve as a venue for contemplation but has made a name for itself over the years as one of the most well-known wedding venues in the country, especially those from Manila.

Čo je v tomto sprievodcovi pokryté?

How to get to Caleruega ChurchMANILA TO CALERUEGA CHURCH by Bus

Things to Do at Caleruega
Where to stay at Caleruega
Side trips from Caleruega
Sample Caleruega Itinerary
Caleruega Mass Schedule
Caleruega wedding rates and PoliciesCaleruega Church wedding Rates
Caleruega reception venue Rates
Caleruega Church wedding Schedule
Caleruega reservation Policies
Wedding reception Restrictions
Other requirements and Reminders

Frequently Asked QuestionsIs there an entrance fee?
Is there parking space at Caleruega?
What are the contact numbers of Caleruega?
What is the office schedule of Caleruega?
What is the schedule of mass service in Caleruega Church?
Is it only for retreats, mass services, and weddings?

More tips on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:

How to get to Caleruega Church

Getting to Caleruega is not too complicated. Whether you go there by public transportation or by private car, you will travel along Tagaytay-Nasugbu highway coming from Manila. The jump-off point to the chapel is also the same as that of mount Batulao — KC Hillcrest Golf Course.


Taking the bus to Nasugbu is not only cheap but also convenient. You just hop on and alight at the jump-off point. There is no need for multiple transfers because buses pass by KC Hillcrest.

From Manila, board a bus bound for Nasugbu. advise the driver or the conductor that you are going to Caleruega or Batulao. You can just tell them to drop you off at Hillcrest. Some drivers know the place by its former name “Evercrest,” so if they don’t know Hillcrest, just say Evercrest.

From KC Hillcrest entrance, hail a tricycle to Caleruega Chapel.

Fare: P115 – P130 (Bus); P50 per ride (tricyle).
Travel Time: approximately 3 hours

Bus companies plying the Manila-Nasugbu route:

DLTBCo Bus in LRT Buendia: The bus terminal is located at the corner of Taft Avenue and Buendia (Gil Puyat Avenue).

BSC Bus in EDSA-Taft Pasay: The bus terminal is situated behind Mc Donald’s along EDSA, near MRT Taft Station.


Riding the van/shuttle service is also convenient and faster but the fare is a bit higher than the bus. You may take the van to Nasugbu in two locations:

Taft Avenue-Gil Puyat Avenue: The terminal is in front of Jollibee at EGI Mall.

EDSA-Taft Avenue: The terminal is behind the Kabayan Hotel.

Fare: P180 (Flat Rate) at the time of writing.
Travel Time: approximately 2 hours
Note: just tell the driver to drop you off at KC Hillcrest or Evercrest.



From Manila, take Santa Rosa exit and turn right after paying the toll fee. However, Santa Rosa is suffering from serious traffic congestion problems, so we recommend taking the Greenfield exit or Eton exit instead.

When you reach the end of Santa Rosa-Tagaytay Road, turn right to Tagaytay-Nasugbu Highway. continue driving until you reach the Cavite-Batangas boundary. You’ll know you’re at the right place when you see the welcome TO NASUGBU arch or the MALIGAYANG PAGDATING SA LALAWIGAN NG MAGIGITING arch.

Drive past the welcome arch at the fork (Y-intersection) until you see KC Hillcrest entrance on the left side.

Turn left and continue driving until you see a road sign telling you to turn right going to Caleruega Chapel. note that the road is mostly rough.


From Manila, drive along Emilio Aguinaldo Highway, passing by Bacoor, Imus, and Dasmariñas.

At the end of Emilio Aguinaldo highway is the Tagaytay Roundabout (Rotonda). continue driving to Tagaytay-Nasugbu Highway.

At the Batangas-Cavite boundary, you’ll see a Y-intersection. Left goes to Lemery. right goes to Nasugbu. Take the right road with the welcome TO NASUGBU arch, drive past the welcome arch until you reach KC Hillcrest entrance on the left side.

Turn left and continue driving until you see a road sign telling you to turn rigHT ide do kaplnky Caleruega. Všimnite si, že cesta je väčšinou drsná.

Poznámka: Emilio Aguinaldo Highway je rušná cesta/trasa, pretože verejná doprava sa zvyčajne vydávajú na túto cestu.

Tagaytay do kostola Caleruega od Jeepney

Ak cestujete z centra mesta Tagaytay:

Vezmite Jeepney viazaný na Nasugbu a povedzte vodičovi, aby vás odložil na Hillcrest/Evercrest. Cestovné: P25.

Od vchodu KC Hillcrest zavolajte trojkolku do kaplnky Caleruega. Cestovné: P50.

Čo robiť v Caleruega

Ako sa očakávalo od centra ústupu, Caleruega, so svojím sviežim prostredím, je ideálnym miestom na relaxáciu a spojenie s priateľmi, rodinou alebo vašim špeciálnym niekým. Nemusíte zostať cez noc, aby ste sa cítili pod napätím; Táto vlastnosť poskytuje priestory, ktoré vám umožnia premýšľať o živote a obnoviť vaše myšlienky. Tu sú miesta, ktoré musíte navštíviť vo vnútri Caleruega.

Kaplnka transfigurácie. Toto je najviac fotografovaná štruktúra a štruktúru, ktorú bežne vidíte, keď hľadáte „Caleruega“ na google.

Stan kaplnka transfigurácie. Toto sa nesmie zamieňať s hlavnou kaplnkou transfigurácie. Musíte ísť ďalej, kým nedosiahnete najvzdialenejší koniec nehnuteľnosti.

Fontánový kompas. Prvý, ktorý vás pozdraví po prejdení vstupnej bráne.

Cenaculum a Grand Stairway Dominicum. Grand Staircase je dobrým pozadím pre fotografické stretnutie so svojimi spoločníkmi.

Dominic’s Bod. Nachádza sa v blízkosti Cenakulum a haly Catalina.

Manaoag Drive cez Crusis. To kombinuje zakopnutie prírody, zatiaľ čo odráža cestu kríža, tesne predtým, ako sa dostanete k rybníkovi Koi.

Koi rybník a jeho chodníky. Keď prejdete ďalej okolo Manaoag Drive cez Crusis, dosiahnete rybník Koi.

Panna Mária Svätého ruženia a „Tvoje sa urobí“ socha. Obidve sa nachádzajú v blízkosti kaplnky transfigurácie.

Závesný most a Kampo Arriba. Ďalšie dobré miesto na fotografovanie. Musíte sa dostať okolo závesného mosta, aby ste sa dostali k kaplnke Stan.

Kampo terasy a amfiteáter. Nachádza sa v blízkosti závesného mosta a Kampo Arriba.

Farma červov. Len v prípade, že vás to zaujíma. Haha.

Záhradná kaviareň. Vyskúšajte nejaké chutné občerstvenie a potešenie z internej kaviarne Caleruga.

Japonská záhrada. Ďalšie krásne miesto pre milovníkov prírody.

Obchod s radosťou a rastlinami. Ak si chcete kúpiť SomecaleRuega mementá a suveníry. Predávajú tiež sadenice.

Sunset telaega

Personál vám dá brožúru s mapou celého Caleruega po zaplatení vchodu pri bráne.

Choďte tam za súmraku alebo neskoro popoludní vám predstaví deň, západ slnka a nočný výhľad na kaplnku.

Kde zostať v Caleruega

Keďže Caleruega je tiež ústupom centra, ponúka tiež niekoľko druhov ubytovní, ktoré uspokojujú rôzne potreby alebo preferencie hostí.

Chaty s dvojčatám: 8 jednotiek

Chataša štvorkolky: 16 jednotiek

Rodinné chaty: jednotka 15 osôb a jednotka 8 osôb

PAHINGALAYAN (Hermitage Cottage s kuchyňou): 1 jednotka

Tomasino Hall: 80-posteľový (dvojitý deck) internát

CATALINA HALL: 90-posteľový (dvojitý deck) internát

Kampo Arriba: kempingové a vonkajšie zhromaždenia

Ak chcete rozšíriť svoj pobyt v Tagaytay, tu sú možnosti: Tagaytay Hotels.

Ak chcete preskúmať pláže Nasugbu, tu sú možnosti: Resory Nasugbu.

Bočné výlety z Caleruega

Po vašej návšteve, ktorá bude trvať nanajvýš dve hodiny, nájdete atrakcie, ktoré sú len pár hodín od Caleruega, ako sú pláže Nasugbu, zatiaľ čo niektoré sú len pozdĺž cesty ako Sky Ranch, mahagónový trh a Twin Lakes. v Tagaytay. Môžete si dokonca zvoliť, že Caleruega urobíte ako bočnú cestu, ak nerobíte ústup.

Tagaytay. Ak prichádzate z Manily (cez diaľnicu SLEX alebo Emilio Aguinaldo), prejdete okolo Tagaytay skôr, ako sa dostanete k Caleruega, ktorá je asi 10-15 minút od hranice Batangas (Nasugbu) a Cavite (Tagaytay). Vychutnajte si chladné počasie a výhľad na jazero Taal, zatiaľ čo vy sa zaskočíte na slávnom Bulalo alebo napíjte horúceho nápoja.

Pláže Nasugbu. Nasugbu beaches may not have the finest sand but they have that raw and rugged appeal, especially the many coves and the islands/islets. NASUGBU sa môže pochváliť aj niektorými z špičkových plážových letovísk, vrátane Canyon Cove, Pico Sands Hotel a Club Punta Fuego. another Nasugbu gem is fortune Island, which is famous for its Greek-inspired ruins. more info here: NASUGBU travel GUIDE.

Mount Batulao. Sharing the same jump-off point from the main road, mount Batulao is the attraction nearest to Caleruega. This is good news for a mountain enthusiast like me! but for those who are not into hiking, from a viewpoint near the Transfiguration Chapel, you will be treated to a panoramic view of the mountain and the landscape. Plus, the sunset is a noteworthy sight.

Fantasy World. This “abandoned” castle and theme park in the rolling hills of Lemery, Batangas, has been gaining much attention recently. The theme park side of it is not operational, but it still provides a good backdrop for photos. more info here: fantasy world travel GUIDE.

Itinerár vzorky

Note: This is just a suggestion. You may adjust according to your needs and preferences.

07:00 am – Bus to Nasugbu (KC Hillcrest), P120
09:00 am – Trike to Caleruega, P50/ride
09:15 am – Caleruega Tour, P30 (entrance)
12:00 nn – Trike back to the main road, P50/ride
12:15 pm – Jeep/Bus to Tagaytay town center, P27 (jeep) / P25 (bus)
12:45 pm – Lunch, P150
02:30 pm – Bus back to Manila, P115

This sample itinerary should cost you around P540 (USD10, EUR9, SGD14).

More sample itineraries with other side trips will be added here, so don’t forget to check back.

Hromadný rozvrh Galeruega

Regular mass service is held at the chapel of Transfiguration every Sunday, 11:00 AM.

For weddings, the chapel can accommodate only three weddings per day. here are the time slots:

9:00AM – 11:00AM / 3:00PM – 5:00PM / 6:00PM – 8:00PM (Mondays to Saturdays)

8:00AM – 10:00AM / 3:00PM – 5:00PM / 6:00PM – 8:00PM (Sundays)

Caleruega wedding rates and Policies

The charming Transfiguration chapel has gained prominence as a wedding venue, holding a long list of reservations from couples who wish to tie the knot here. The chapel is not too intimidating but rather cozy. The brick walls add warmth to the intimate occasion.

For those who want to celebrate their dream wedding at Caleruega, here are the things you need to know.

Caleruega Church wedding Rates

Chapel use Only:

P15,000 (off-peak season)

P20,000 (peak season)


The rates are inclusive of the sound system, organ, CD player, and the sacristan (altar boy) who will assist the officiating priest.

Peak season is from December 1 to January 31)

The couple should tap the officiating priest and provide the flower arrangements, choir, photographers, lectors, commentator, carpet, offertory items (candles, mass wine, and bread), and missalette.

Use of aircon is optional. should you want to avail it, the rate is P5,000 for two and a half hours.

Miera príjmu príjmu tela

Plaza de Aza and Tuktok: P40,000

Open-air roofdeck where tent outfitting is possible

Seating capacity is 200 pax

Veritas Hall: P30,000

Indoor venue with additional P7,500 for air-con usage

Seating capacity is 200 pax

Gazekubo: P25,000

Indoor venue with additional P5,000 for air-con usage

Seating capacity is 60 pax

Kampo Arriba (camp Site): P40,000

Outdoor venue where tent outfitting is possible

Seating capacity is 200 pax


Food is not included. The couple should contact their own caterer.

Sound system is not included.

Plán svadby v kostole Taleruega

For weddings, the chapel can accommodate only three weddings per day. here are the time slots:

9:00AM – 11:00AM / 3:00PM – 5:00PM / 6:00PM – 8:00PM (Mondays to Saturdays)

8:00AM – 10:00AM / 3:00PM – 5:00PM / 6:00PM – 8:00PM (Sundays)

Pravidlá rezervácie spoločnosti Galeruega

Reservation is on a “first come, first serve” basis.

No pencil booking (provisional booking).

Down payment is required. P5,000 for the chapel and P10,000 for the reception. This is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Confirmation is in effect upon completion of the balance A MONTH before the wedding. failure to do this will automatically cancel your slot and will be made available for others.

No bank transfer.

Rates may change without prior notice.

Obmedzenia svadobnej hostiny

Reception venue Hours.

Until 3PM for morning wedding schedule.

Until 9PM for afternoon wedding schedule.

Until 11PM for evening wedding schedule.

Music and sound system. The volume must be modulated.

Smoking. No smoking inside the Caleruega premises.

Fireworks/Firecrackers. Fireworks are not allowed inside the Caleruega premises.

Parkovisko. free parking inside Caleruega and assigned parking space outside.

Ďalšie požiadavky a pripomienky

Accomplish the wedding documents at two months before the wedding. here is the list of required wedding documents. (Note: B

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