Last Updated: 03/28/20 | March 28th, 2020

The British Virgin Islands typically foster images of intrepid sailors and adventurers living their own version of a Jimmy Buffett song: sailing the seas, relentlessly drinking rum, stopping at hidden beaches, and exploring deserted islands.

Standing behind the wheel with the wind whipping at your hair as the sails of your boat take you from island to island sounds fantastic to numerous of us.

But, after imagining that scenario, we think, “It would be great, but it’s unrealistic and I couldn’t afford it. It sounds too expensive!”

I used to believe that. After all, the British Virgin Islands are home to megayachts, mega-resorts, mansions, yachting races, celebrities who own islands, and big corporations hiding from the taxman. These islands are no place for those without enormous bank accounts.

But I came here with a dream: to sail around the British Virgin Islands on a budget. That’s no easy task when charter boat rentals cost thousands of dollars per week.

Sure, you can take a ferry between the main islands (Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Jost Van Dyke, Anegada) or take day sailing tours, but that won’t get you to the outer islands and certainly isn’t the freedom sailing conjures up, is it?

Luckily, I found a way to live the dream.

Within two days of landing on Jost Van Dyke, my pal and I were throwing our stuff onto a boat to sail around the BVIs. We had met bill and Geoff in a bar one evening. They were describing their sailing trip down from North Carolina. We told them about our plans to try to sail the islands on a budget.

They seemed normal enough and our plans lined up, so we asked if we could label along.

And that’s how we got our ride. Some conversation, rum, laughs, and asking for a lift.

The BVIs see numerous people who rent charter boats, hire captains, or sail their own boats around for as long as the wind can carry them. Each night, these folks moor in a harbor, take a dinghy to the nearest bar, down strong rum drinks, and socialize. boats are isolating, and these bars offer welcome social interaction after a day of confinement.

And this is where you’ll find your chance to live out your Captain Ron dreams.

You could say that we just got lucky. That we found the best two men and this couldn’t happen again. However, my pal and I had numerous provides to take us to the next island or around for the day. At every port, when we discussed our plans, people would typically say, “Well, if you need a lift, we’re pleased to have you. just bring some beer.”

I expected terrific difficulty in finding rides. I mean how numerous people want strangers on their boats?

Apparently, a lot.

Because it was really easy to find a life. many of the people have extra space on their boats, and everyone is very welcoming, hospitable, and helpful. I think between the small island population and the camaraderie that comes with boating, people here are very prepared to help strangers.

How to Sail the BVIs on a Budget

So how can you do it too? how do you replicate what we did? here are my top five suggestions for sailing around the British Virgin Islands for free:

1. avoid Asking on the main Islands 
Don’t ask for rides on Tortola or Virgin Gorda. This is where people pick up their boats so they are just starting or ending their trip (never a good time to ask), and there are few good bars to meet others at. stick to the smaller islands available by ferry.

2. profile People
You can increase your odds of success by knowing who is many likely to say yes. lots of couples? They may give you a ride to the next island but not much more.

Groups who chartered a boat? rovnaká vec. They’re full.

Mladí ľudia? They’ll be very likely to help you out, especially in return for beer.

Two men drinking alone? Yup, they probably have extra space, especially if they have their own boat.

3. Strike up a Conversation
Sit at the bar and you’ll find this is easy to do. everyone pretty much says hi to each other, and no matter where I was, others boaters typically made the first move. After a day on a boat, people want to talk.

4. casually mention Your Plans 
Work your plans into the conversation naturally and see how people react. Do they think it’s a amazing idea? Gauge their reaction before you ask for a ride. I found that boaters in the area are the adventurous type and if they feel you are on a good adventure, they will want to help.

5. start Small 
Ask for a ride to the next island. giving someone a ride for a few hours is easy. Committing to carting extra people around for a week, however, is a bigger barrier and much more likely to get you a no. but that one island lift may turn into two or three so start small and see how it goes.

Note: Sorry, families, this guidance won’t work for you! If you’re traveling with much more than two people, it’s going to be hard for boats to accommodate you and they’re going toodmietnuť ťa!

Dajte si tiež dostatok času, aby ste našli niekoho, s kým by sa vyplával. Ak ste v prísnom rozvrhu a musíte sa rýchlo obísť ostrovmi, nebude to fungovať, pretože to môže trvať deň alebo dva, kým nájdete pripravenú loď alebo sa zarovnáva s niekým harmonogramom. Potom ste na milosrdenstve tempa majiteľa lode, kým sa nedostanete na ďalší významný ostrov, kde sa môžete dostať a dostať sa späť do systému trajektov, ktorý spája hlavné ostrovy v BVI.

Okrem toho nezabudnite na oplátku ponúknuť niečo. Ak máte skúsenosti s plachtením, tým lepšie, ale veľa ľudí si vezme pivo a jedlo na oplátku, takže za predpokladu, že to môže ísť dlhú cestu.

Britské Panenské ostrovy sú drahé a-ak plánujete vyskúšať rozpočet-je kritické nájdenie nízkonákladovej plavby okolo ostrovov.

Môžete sa vydať na denné výlety za približne 100 USD na osobu a trajekty idú medzi hlavnými okupovanými ostrovmi, ale jediný spôsob, ako skutočne vidieť ostrovné reťaze správne, je ich vyplávať.

Jediným spôsobom, ako to dosiahnuť, je nájsť výťah.

Vždy som sníval o plachtení okolo Britských Panenských ostrovov. Počul som o príležitostiach na prácu na lodiach, ale pretože neviem, ako sa plaviť, to nebolo možné, a charterové lode sú mimo môjho rozpočtu (mnohí ušetria po celý rok, aby si dovoliť prenájom). Potreboval som tretiu cestu – a našiel som to.

Bolo šokujúco ľahké nájsť jazdy na lodiach, a to robí oh-tak-výnimočné BVI oveľa oveľa viac pre tých, ktorí chcú plaviť sa okolo týchto ohromujúcich ostrovov na rozpočet.

Ale oveľa viac ako šetrenie peňazí, táto metóda robí nových kamarátov na ceste – a táto skúsenosť je na nezaplatenie.

Zarezervujte si cestu na Panenské ostrovy: logistické návrhy a triky
Zarezervujte si svoj let
Na nájdenie lacného letu použite SkyScanner alebo Momondo. Sú to moje dva obľúbené vyhľadávacie nástroje, pretože vyhľadávajú stránky a letecké spoločnosti po celom svete, takže vždy viete, že žiadny kameň nezostane nezostáva. Začnite s Skyscannerom najskôr, pretože majú najvýznamnejší dosah!

Zarezervujte si ubytovanie
Svoju hostel si môžete rezervovať s Hostelworld, pretože majú najvýznamnejší inventár a najlepšie ponuky. Ak chcete zostať niekde inde ako v hosteli, použite, pretože neustále vracia najdostupnejšie sadzby pre penzióny a nízkonákladové hotely.

Nezabudnite na cestovné poistenie
Cestovné poistenie vás chráni pred chorobami, zraneniami, krádežou a zrušením. Je to rozsiahla ochrana v prípade, že sa niečo pokazí. Nikdy som nešiel na výlet bez toho, pretože som ho v minulosti musel používať mnohokrát. Moje obľúbené spoločnosti, ktoré ponúkajú najlepšie služby a hodnotu, sú:

Bezpečnostné krídlo (pre všetkých pod 70)

Zaistite moju cestu (pre tých nad 70 rokov)

Medjet (pre ďalšie pokrytie repatriácie)

Hľadáte najlepšie spoločnosti, s ktorými ušetria peniaze?
Pozrite sa na moju stránku zdrojov, kde nájdete najlepšie spoločnosti, ktoré môžete použiť pri cestovaní. Uvádzam všetky tie, ktoré používam na ušetrite peniaze, keď som na ceste. Ušetrite vám peniaze, keď budete cestovať.

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