10 ways TO visit STOCKHOLM ON A budget plan

Last Updated: 12/06/19 | December 6th, 2019

Stockholm. It’s one of my favorite cities in the world. I love its historical architecture, the natural appeal of the archipelago, as well as the lovely people that call the city home.

Throw in lots of parks, delicious cafés, as well as a fun nightlife as well as you’ve got the recipe for one of the greatest destinations in the world.

In fact, I love the city so much I even tried to step there!

Over the years, I’ve developed a great network of friends in Stockholm as well as I’ve been there so much I feel like I know it like a local. If Stockholm didn’t suffer from arctic wintertime conditions (OK, a minor exaggeration), it would be the most best city in the world.

A lot of travelers skip checking out Stockholm since it’s expensive. There’s no denying that Stockholm is pricey compared to other cities around Europe.

However, a visit there doesn’t need to break your budget. By following a few basic tips, you can drastically cut your expenses as well as make the city much a lot more affordable.

That doesn’t indicate it will be cheap, however these ideas will absolutely help you keep your budget plan intact as you explore this lovely Scandinavian city.

1. Take a complimentary walking Tour

One of the first things I do when I show up in a new city is take a walking tour. It’s the best way to learn about the city, see the major sights, as well as get your questions answered by a local expert.

Like a lot of major cities in Europe, Stockholm has several complimentary walking excursions available. the best ones are run by complimentary excursion Stockholm who offer excursions of the Old town (Gamla Stan), Södermalm, as well as the newest section of the city. They even have a ghost excursion too.

Tours are offered in English, Spanish, as well as German. Each excursion lasts a couple of hours as well as is complimentary — just be sure to idea your guide at the end!

2. cut Your Food Budget

While grocery costs are comparable to a lot of major cities in the world, eating out in Stockholm is exceptionally expensive. I try to prevent dining out as much as possible as a result. Fortunately, there are are a few ways to lower your food budget plan without missing out.

Cook your own meals – Groceries in Stockholm can expense 500-600 SEK per week, which is a great value when the typical prepared meal is around 125–250 SEK. It’s much less expensive to cook your own food than eat out at restaurants. The least expensive grocery store chains here are Willy’s as well as Lidl.

Most hostels in Stockholm have a kitchen/self-catering facilities (as do apartments on Airbnb). If you plan on cooking, make sure you select accommodation that can facilitiate that.

Avoid sit-down restaurants -If you still want to eat out, try to stick to street food or cuisines like Thai as well as middle Eastern. You can find filling meals for under 75 SEK. You’ll pay better to 200 SEK for a fundamental meal at a restaurant with table service so prevent those as much as possible.

Additionally, skip anything on Drottninggatan (the city’s main shopping street) as well as sit-down restaurants in Gamla Stan. Both are overpriced.

Try the lunch buffets – If you want to eat out at a restaurant, stick to lunch buffets. They normally expense around 120 SEK as well as are the best way to maximize your meal spending.

They’re a popular option with locals so they normally fill up fast. try to show up early to beat the rush. two of the best buffet restaurants in the city are Herman’s as well as Hermitage. They both offer delicious home-cooked meals with tons of variety.

And if you visit Hermitage (in Gamla Stan) head across the street to Naturbageriet. It’s a incredibly affordable bakery with tons of affordable snacks (they have lots of healthy options too).

Refill your water bottle – Bottled water here is expensive — it’s 21 SEK ($2.25 USD) for a bottle! The tap water in the city is safe to drink (it’s one of the cleanest in the world) so bring a reusable water bottle to save yourself some money. You can fill it up easily at a lot of cafes.

3. Take advantage of the complimentary Parks

The parks in Stockholm are free, as well as in the winter, there’s complimentary ice skating. You can likewise wander Gamla Stan as well as Södermalm as well as just take in the city’s beauty. They’re a great place to relax, have a picnic, read, as well as people watch.

My favorite parks in the city are Djurgarden, Langholmen, Gärdet, as well as Ralambshovsparken. They have huge open spaces as well as are good for a number of outdoor activities or lounging around — especially on those long summer days!

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4. visit complimentary Museums

Museums in Stockholm are not affordable however there are a handful that are complimentary (or at least offer complimentary hours). here are the best complimentary museums as well as attractions in the city:

National museum of Sweden

Museum of natural History

The museum of modern Arts

The Swedish history Museum

The Maritime Museum

The museum of medieval Stockholm

National library of Sweden

The Ethnography Museum

Be sure to check with the local tourism office to see if any type of other museums are using complimentary hours or exhibits. There are lots of complimentary art exhibits as well as events that come to town, as well as they’ll have a list of them all. You can learn a lot more about these museums in my complimentary guides to Stockholm.

5. limit Your Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol is not affordable in Sweden. If you want to ruin your budget, drink. If you want to have your money last a little longer, cut down on your alcohol consumption. prevent white wine (way overpriced), skip the clubs (overpriced), as well as stick to beer, which is the least expensive alcohol you can get.

Try to drink during the delighted hours when beer is normally under 50 SEK. If you do want to indulge, get your liquor at Systembolaget, the Swedish government’s liquor store (your only option). prices are least expensive there. (They have limited hours as well as are closed on Sundays so be sure to plan around that)

6. See the Archipelago on the Cheap

The Swedish archipelago is absolutely lovely — especially in the summer. thousands of islands dot the archipelago, as well as there are lots of cruises as well as excursions from the city that will take you around during the day (or during sunset).

But those excursions are expensive.

If you want to see as well as experience the archipelago cheaply, take the public ferries to the outer islands. Tickets are 50–150 SEK depending on what island you visit (by comparison, day excursions are 250 SEK).

Use Waxholmsbolaget for the most affordable tickets. From October to March, tickets are much more affordable so think about checking out in the carry season if you’re on a tight budget.

7. get transportation as well as vacationer Passes

Stockholm metro tickets are costly (44 SEK per ticket), however you can get an unrestricted transportation card for 325 SEK (plus 20 SEK for the card needed) that’s valid for seven days (that’s only 49 SEK per day). There is likewise a 24-hour card for SEK 125, as well as a 72-hour pass for 250 SEK.

While the city is exceptionally walkable, be sure to get a pass if you plan on taking the subway or bus; all you need to do is use the train twice a day to make the pass a much better value than individual tickets.

And if you plan on seeing a lot of attractions or checking out a lot of museums, get the Stockholm Pass. It supplies complimentary entry to over 60 of the top attractions, including sightseeing tours, museums, as well as monuments. Single-day passes are 645 SEK, three-day passes are 1,045 SEK, as well as five-day passes are 1,345. While not cheap, if you do a lot of sightseeing you can easily save a lot of money.

8. use hotel Points

Got hotel points? použi ich!

Travel hacking is the best way to save money when you’re checking out an expensive destination, whether it’s getting a complimentary flight or complimentary accommodation. Marriott, Starwood, as well as Hilton hotels all have locations here in the city that can be booked with points.

Free is always much better than spending money.

9. stay at Interhostel

Interhostel might not be the best hostel in the city (it’s really one of the worst) however it’s the cheapest. If you’re on a tight budget plan as well as don’t mind if a cramped, affordable dorm, this is the place for you.

Conversely, you can likewise stay at my favorite hostel in the city, City Backpackers. While not as cheap, they offer complimentary pasta (which can save your food budget) as well as a complimentary sauna (which is just a fun perk).

For other hostels in the city, check out my list of the best hostels in Stockholm!

10. use a Hospitality Network

Since accommodation is expensive in Stockholm, you must think about Couchsurfing, a site that connects travelers with locals who offer a complimentary place to stay. You can cut out your accommodation costs as well as get to know the local culture, considering that there are a lot of hosts here who take part in a very active Couchsurfing community. They organize a lot of meet-uPS (vrátane týždenných jazykových výmen), ako aj to je skvelý spôsob, ako si spoznať priateľov.

Aj keď nechcete zostať s miestnym, môžete pomocou aplikácie stretnúť miestnych obyvateľov, ako aj ostatných cestujúcich na kávu, jedlo alebo na návštevu múzea.

Airbnb je tu tiež populárny, rovnako ako cenovo dostupná voľba pre každého jednotlivca, ktorý sa snaží nájsť súkromie, avšak kto nechce platiť za drahý hotel.

Návšteva Štokholmu nepotrebuje úplne vyraziť svoj rozpočtový plán. V tomto drahom meste existuje veľa spôsobov, ako ušetriť peniaze. Vraciam sa tu rok čo rok, ako aj keď to nie je najmenej drahým cieľom na svete, vždy nájdem spôsoby, ako urobiť cestu dostupnou.

A s vyššie uvedenými nápadmi, môžete aj vy. Štokholm je jedným z najlepších miest na Zemi – nenechajte ceny udržať vás ďalej!

Zarezervujte si cestu do Švédska: logistické nápady a triky
Zarezervujte si svoj let
Na nájdenie cenovo dostupného letu použite SkyScanner alebo Momondo. Sú to moje dva obľúbené vyhľadávacie nástroje, pretože vyhľadávajú webové stránky, ako aj letecké spoločnosti po celom svete, takže vždy viete, že žiadny kameň nezostane nezostáva. Začnite s Skyscannerom najskôr, aj keď majú najväčší dosah!

Zarezervujte si ubytovanie
Svoju hostel si môžete rezervovať s Hostelworld, pretože majú najväčší inventár a najlepšie ponuky. Ak chcete zostať niekde inde ako v hosteli, použite Booking.com, pretože neustále vracia najlacnejšie sadzby pre penzióny a cenovo dostupné hotely. Moje obľúbené miesta na pobyt sú:




Ak sa snažíte nájsť oveľa viac miest na pobyt, tu sú moje obľúbené hostely v Štokholme. Ak vás zaujíma, v ktorej časti mesta zostať, tu je moje okolie Štokholm!

Nezabudnite na cestovné poistenie
Cestovné poistenie vás zabezpečí proti chorobám, zraneniu, krádeži a zrušení. Je to podrobná ochrana v situácii, čokoľvek sa pokazí. Nikdy som nešiel na výlet bez toho, pretože som ho v minulosti musel používať veľakrát. Moje obľúbené spoločnosti, ktoré ponúkajú najlepšie služby a hodnotu, sú:

Bezpečnostné krídlo (pre všetkých pod 70)

Zaistite moju cestu (pre tých nad 70 rokov)

Medjet (pre ďalšie pokrytie repatriácie)

Hľadáte najlepšie spoločnosti, s ktorými ušetria peniaze?
Pozrite sa na moju stránku zdrojov, kde nájdete najlepšie spoločnosti, ktoré môžete použiť pri cestovaní. Uvádzam všetky tie, ktoré používam na ušetrite peniaze, keď som na ceste. Ušetrite vám peniaze, keď budete cestovať.

Chcete oveľa viac informácií o Štokholme
Nezabudnite navštíviť nášho robustného cieľového sprievodcu v Štokholme ešte oveľa viac tipov na plánovanie!

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