Barcelona lies on the northeast coastline of Spain, dealing with the Balearic Sea of the Mediterranean. It’s the funding of the Catalonia region as well as serves as one of the major centers of finance, culture, as well as economic climate in southwestern Europe. It is likewise an important transportation hub — air, land, as well as sea.
It’s a cosmopolitan city packed with cultural, historical, as well as contemporary attractions as well as sites. It is famed for its own art movement, Modernisme, which has created a number of renowned artists including the globally celebrated Antoni Gaudi, whose major works in the city have ended up being UNESCO world Heritage Sites. aside from the arts as well as architecture, the metropolis boasts natural attractions such as the beaches as well as eco-friendly spaces. The regional dishes as well as wines are not to be missed too!
If you are visiting Barcelona soon or in the future, right here are a few of the locations to see as well as things to do. We likewise included tours with Klook links if you are thinking about guided tours as well as skip-the-line tickets.
CITY TOURS1. Barcelona free walking Tour
2. Gaudi Tour
3. Picasso Tour
4. Barcelona Food Tour
5. Ghost Tour
6. Legends Tour
7. Sailing
8. Catalonia hot Air Balloon Tour
PLACES TO VISIT9. Sagrada Familia
10. Park Guell
11. Las Ramblas
12. Casa Batlló
13. Casa Milà
14. Casa Vicens
15. Sant Pau Recinte Modernista
16. Flamenco Show
17. La Boqueria Market
18. Barcelona Cathedral
19. Fundació Joan Miró
20. Illa Fantasia
21. Barcelona museum of contemporary Art (MACBA)
22. history museum of Catalonia
23. Las Golondrinas boat Ride
24. Poble Espanyol
25. PortAventura
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1. Barcelona free walking Tour
Barcelona is bursting with historical structures as well as cultural sites! The city embraces the arts wholeheartedly. Consequently, it carved its own brand of arts understood as the Catalan Modernisme, which highlights the Catalan culture as well as is usually expressed in architecture.
Exploring the city by walking will definitely lead you to fascinating attractions. free walking tours are offered left as well as right. The itinerary usually includes Barcelona’s historic center — the Gothic Quarter. other sites are Barcelona Cathedral, Santa Maria del Mar, Santa Maria del Pi, as well as Roman ruins among others.
You can definitely do the walking tour on your own. However, if you want to get important insights about the monuments as well as landmarks, you can join a guided free walking tour. The knowledgeable regional guide will tell you more about Catalan tradition as well as will provide you with stories as well as legends. These guided walks are tip-based, so you will choose exactly how much to pay for the service you received.
The tour normally lasts for two to three hours. The satisfying point is usually at Jaume I metro station exit, Plaça Catalunya, or in front of the Barcelona Cathedral, depending upon the tour operator.
We booked with Generation Tours.
2. Gaudi Tour
Millions of tourists flock to Barcelona to marvel at one of the world’s most-visited cultural as well as historical landmarks — the Sagrada Familia. It is the most pivotal work by Barcelona’s most revered artist, Antoni Gaudí. however unknown to many, his other masterpieces, like Casa Batlló as well as Casa Milà (La Pedrera), decorate the map of the city.
Joining a guided Gaudi tour will not only let you find Gaudi’s life as well as works, however likewise let you into the considerable cultural motion — the Catalan Modernism. This tour will take you to a number of Gaudi-designed buildings including the still unfinished Sagrada Familia. It likewise usually includes the Eixample district as well as Passeig de Gràcia.
Gaudi as well as Modernism tours are aplenty throughout the city. a number of tour business likewise offer free (tip-based) Gaudi tours. We likewise booked with Generation tours as well as had a excellent time!
3. Picasso Tour
Gaudi isn’t the only innovative brilliant greatly influenced by Barcelona. Pablo Picasso likewise spent his youth in a Bohemian community of Barcelona. This tour will direct you to the locations he frequented as well as exactly how he grew as well as evolved as an artist:
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Else Quatre Gats Café. This utilized to be the satisfying location of members of the Modernisme movement.
Col·legi d’Arquitectes. This is where you can marvel at Picasso’s one as well as only open-air artwork.
Career d’Avinyó. The street that ended up being the motivation for his painting ‘Les Demoiselles d’Avignon’.
Museu Picasso. The museum holds a significant collection of his masterpieces, including his early works. You will discover exactly how his styles as well as methods modification eacČas, jeho najdôležitejšie diela však sú tie, ktoré dodržiaval v štýle kubizmu, ktorý spoluzakladal.
Ak uvažujete o pripojení sa k prehliadke so sprievodcom Picasso, Klook ponúka zväzok, ktorý tiež obsahuje Casa Llotja de Mar v itinerári. Sadzba pokrýva vstupný poplatok, ako aj prehliadku so sprievodcom v Museu Picasso.
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4. Barcelona Food Tour
Jedlo môže povedať toľko o kultúre miesta, ako aj o zvykoch. Presne to, ako spoločnosť vytvára a konzumuje jedlo, sa vyvíja s miestnymi obyvateľmi, ako aj s ich kolektívnymi zážitkami v priebehu času. Kuchyne vystavujú tieto korene, vďaka čomu presne pochopíte, ako sa jedlá.
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Môžete sa pustiť do gastronomického zážitku sami. Ak však chcete lepšie porozumieť a oceniť Barcelonskú kulinársku kultúru lepšie, prehliadka potravín so sprievodcom je jednou z najlepších metód na to. Odborný sprievodca vás povedie k regionálnym preferovaným reštauráciám, k najlepším výrobkom, ako aj k prominentným potravinovým trhom.
Ak ste fanúšikom služby Klook, môžete si rezervovať Barcelona Food a Market Tour. Toto je vrátane odborného sprievodcu, jedla, ochutnávky nápojov, pešia prehliadka starého mesta, ako aj na trhu. Trvanie prehliadky je asi štyri hodiny. Najlepšia vec na tomto turné je, že sa hodí iba na maximálne 12 účastníkov na osobný zážitok. Itinerár obsahuje nasledujúce:
Trh La Boquería
Regionálny bar pre pintxos (severné španielske tapas)
Trh Santa Caterina
Regionálna reštaurácia na vyskúšanie španielčiny, ako aj katalánske jedlá, ako aj víno
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5. Duchová prehliadka
Pre tých, ktorí sú v temnej cestovnej ruchu, ako aj strašidelné veci, sa podniky ponúkajú Ghost Tours. Keď sa nočná valí, choďte po tmavých rohoch, ako aj po uliciach Barcelony! Regionálny sprievodca môže stimulovať vašu zvedavosť podivnými a záhadnými príbehmi, ktoré typické zájazdy zvyčajne nehovoria návštevníkom.
Klook ponúka prehliadku Ghostovej pešej prehliadky, ktorá vás obklopuje trikmi, ako aj históriou exorcizmu, čarodejníctva, ako aj strašidelným zjavením v Barcelone. Itinerár obsahuje:
Santa Caterina
La Ribera
Ulice, ktoré ovplyvnili autor Sylvia-Garda Mata, aby zostavila knihu „Fantasmes de Barcelona“
Church Santa María del Mar
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6. Prehliadka Legends
Ak sa chcete dozvedieť viac o legendách, ako aj o histórii Barcelony, keď vidíte jednu historickú pamiatku za druhou, táto legenda pre pešiu prehliadku vás môže mať záujem. Okrem histórie turistických stránok budete tiež vyťažení legendami obklopujúcimi tieto stredoveké štruktúry.
Obrázok poskytol Klook
Klook ponúka ten, ktorý tiež obsahuje pintxos, ako aj degustačné relácie tapas v tradičnom bare. Expert dvojjazyčný sprievodca vás osprchuje príbehmi, ktoré formujú históriu, kultúru, tradície a politiku krajiny. Toto je niekoľko miest, ktoré uvidíte počas turné: gotická štvrť, kostol Santa Maria del Mar, Plaza del Rei, ako aj mnoho ďalších.
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7. Plachtenie
Barcelona zaobchádza s tými, ktorí majú radi oceán, ako aj slaný vzduch do veľkého nezabudnuteľného času uprostred Baleárskeho mora. Vyplňte svoje zmysly, keď sa plavíte okolo, ako aj oceníte mesto z inej perspektívy. Existuje veľa obchodných ponúk na plachtenie alebo cestovné výlety, ako aj objavte množstvo možností na Klook:
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Plachetnica + brunch
Plachetnica + popoludňajšie občerstvenie
Plachetnica + Vermut
To všetko zahŕňa 2-hodinový zážitok z plachtenia na palube 12-metrovej jachty, odborníka dvojjazyčného kapitána, ako aj palubného jedla, v závislosti od vášho vybraného balíka. Váš východiskový bod je v Port Vell, plaviaci sa okolo Monumentu Columbus, Old Harbor, Barceloneta, Maremagnum, ako aj ďalšie! Váš kapitán vám poskytne informácie o meste, ako aj o atrakciách.
✅ Skontrolujte výber a rezervujte tu!
8. Tour Air Balloon Tour Catalonia
Ak chcete vidieť viac katalánska, ako aj útek do zhonu hlavného mesta regiónu, môžete ísť ďalej do vnútrozemia a vyskúšať aktivity ponúkané mnohými turistickými spoločnosťami. Jedným z nich je zážitok z horúcich vzduchu. Ak je vaša vec vysoká nadmorská výška, ako aj jazda na horúcich vzduchu je vo vašom zozname kontajnerov, táto aktivita vám pomôže zvýšiť a dosiahnuť tento cieľ.
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Túto aktivitu si môžete rezervovať pomocou Klook. Máte na výber, aby ste sa pripojili k skupine alebo sa zúčastnili osobného turné, ak je vaša skupina dostatočná alebo skutočne plánujete to urobiť so svojimi značnými ostatnými. Tým sa vám poskytne mimoriadny ranný zážitok, pretože vás zavedie vysoko nad oblohu, čo vám poskytne letecký pohľad na hory Catalunya, prírodný park Montseny, ako aj na stredomorské pobrežie. Okrem 1-hodinového letu v horúcom vzduchu je to tiež vrátane viacjazyčných sprievodcov, prevodov spiatočných ciest, poistenie, fľaškové pitie Water, snacks, as well as brunch (Cava champagne as well as regional food).
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9. Sagrada Familia
One of the most celebrated as well as visited architectural masterpieces in the world, the Sagrada Familia is largely associated to Antoni Gaudi. It is the very best example of Modernisme design, marrying old as well as new methods as well as styles to produce an architectural milestone. The structure shows both Gothic as well as Art Nouveau styles.
Another peculiar thing about the basilica that tickles the curiosity of tons of people is that it’s still unfinished as much as this day, even after over 130 years since the begin of its building in 1882. It is targeted to surface in 2026.
It is acknowledged as a UNESCO world Heritage Site. The facade as well as the interior are both awe-inspiring. The facade features elaborate carvings as well as the interior boasts incredible nave vaults. The discolored window spills a spectacular screen of colors inside the basilica when sunlight hits them. This is likewise the final resting location of Gaudi. The basilica is found in the Eixample district near the Old City.
Nearest Train Station: Sagrada Familia station (Metro L2 & L5)
Nearest Bus Stop: Mallorca – Marina stop (Bus 19, 33, 34, 43, 44, 50, 51, B20, B24)
Opening Hours: The usual opening time is 9AM. closing time varies depending upon the season between 6PM to 8PM. 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM (Saturday & Sundays), 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM (Jan 1 & 6, Dec 25 & 26)
Entrance Fee: fundamental €20 (Regular), €16-18 (Reduced); Ticket + Audio guide €26 (Regular), €21-24 (Reduced); Ticket + Gaudi home museum €28 (Regular), €23-26 (Reduced); Ticket + Tower gain access to €33 (Regular), €27-31 (Reduced); free (Children below 11 y/o)
You can see as well as check out on your own. Tickets are offered on the internet on the official website. It is suggested to purchase your ticket in advance to prevent waiting in line at the ticket booth.
But if you want to further get necessary information, you can book a guided tour with Klook. This is inclusive of an English-speaking guide as well as entrance charge to Sagrada Familia. You can either book a daytime or evening slot. You likewise have an choice to include tower gain access to in your package.
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10. Park Guell
Located on Carmel hill in the Gràcia district, Park Guell is one more key attraction stamped by Antoni Gaudi’s architectural genius.
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The building started at the turn of the 20th century as well as lasted for more than a decade. the public park is famous for its mosaic-covered buildings, sculptures, as well as steps. The park’s style likewise embraces naturalism with the incorporation of natural aspects as well as ergonomic structures.
The Gaudi home museum is nestled within the park. enjoy the panoramic view of the city from different viewing areas around the park. This has been acknowledged as a UNESCO world Heritage site since 1984.
Nearest Train Station: Lesseps station (L3) or Vallcarca station (L3). From either station, you requirement to walk uphill for 15-20 minutes.
Nearest Bus Stop: Park Guell (Bus 116, Bus Turístic, or Barcelona City tour Bus)
Opening Hours: 9:30 AM – 7:30 PM (Daily)
Entrance Fee: €10 (Regular), €7 (Reduced), free (Children 6 y/o as well as below)
If you want to book your ticket prior to your visit, you can likewise book it with Klook. This covers Park Guell’s Monumental zone ticket as well as roundtrip transfers to as well as from Alfons X metro station (L4).
11. Las Ramblas
Las Ramblas is a wide pedestrian street slicing with the communities in central Barcelona. Its 1.2-kilometer length runs between the city center, with Plaça de Catalunya punctuating the northern end, as well as the old port (Port Vell) with Christopher Columbus Monument adorning the southern end.
Flanked by trees, the street is a prominent satisfying location for locals as well as even tourists. It likewise serves as the remove delineation of the border between El Raval as well as the Gothic Quarter both found within Ciutat Vella (Old City). The street is likewise lined with shops, cafés, as well as bars. Some notable landmarks along Las Ramblas are font style de Canaletes, palace of the Virreina, Liceu Theatre, La Boqueria, as well as a mosaic by Joan Miro.
Nearest Train Station: Liceu station (midway), Plaça de Catalunya (north), or Drassanes station (south). All are found along the L3 path of the metro line.
Nearest Bus Stop: a number of bus stops are found along Las Ramblas.
12. Casa Batlló
Casa Batlló, likewise understood as Casa dels Ossos (House of Bones), is one more structure designed by Antoni Gaudi.
The remodeled home of the affluent Battlo household is one of the four buildings designe