since we left the port, I never moved from my seat because if I did, I would throw up everything I had for breakfast in one forceful blow. Oh wait, I didn’t have breakfast that morning, so I’d have probably puked my soul out. Assuming, of course, that I have a soul.
Cliche as it sounds, but it wasn’t the boat. To som bol ja.
We landed in Cairns from Sydney at around midnight, and it wasn’t until 3am that sleep was finally able to give my restless mind a visit. By 6am, despite the heavy resistance of my eyelids, I was already up. It was our first day in Cairns and the boat would leave at 8am. We just wanted ample lead time just in case we struggle to find the port. struggling to find our destination isn’t really new to us; it’s more like the rule than the exception.
Defying expectations, we found the port and the boat almost right away — HA! Suck it, Murphy’s Law! — only to be told that we had to check in at the terminal building on the other end of the jetty. Samozrejme. Why the hell didn’t we think of that? and at that moment, we considered changing this blog’s name from “Poor” to “Absolutely stupid Traveler.” but it was totally fine. We were on our way to seeing a part of the terrific barrier Reef for the first time, and nothing — you hear me, Murphy’s Law? — nothing was going to make that sunshiny day less bright.
The next thing I knew, I was in the toilet, vomiting all my pride out.
Inside the Cairns Reef Terminal
Just in time for the Cairns sunrise
The 25m passions of Paradise
The lack of food and sleep had finally taken a toll on me. I had never experienced sea sickness before, and having my first time on the way to the terrific barrier Reef was unfortunate, to say the least. The monster waves that splashed through the window into my face were taunting me. As I wallowed in self-pity and envy, the staff was doing a scuba diving demonstration for the tourists gathered around the bar.
“This can’t be,” I thought. “I have to turn the tides.”
Paradise Reef
The boat halted just next to Paradise Reef, a mooring spot exclusive to passions of Paradise. This exclusivity ensures that the site isn’t crowded. This hard coral reef is home to a wide array of species, the most famous of which is probably Wally the Humphead Maori wrasse. It is part of the greater outer barrier Reef
During our trip, the boat was carrying more than 40 passengers, a third of which were gathered at the saloon for the scuba diving briefing. As they exited the room, one of the friendly crew noticed me curled up in a fetal position in the sad corner. “Si v poriadku?” spýtal sa. I’m kicking myself in the butt right now, for I can’t remember the guy’s name. (I know, I’m horrible.)
Scuba Diving briefing
Scuba Diving beginners having their first dip at the outer barrier of the terrific barrier Reef.
I explained the dizzying predicament I was in, and he suggested that I go and hang out by or on one of the two nets sprawled outside so I could feel more comfortable. I did just that (after yet another intimate session with the toilet for a throw-up party). but I began to feel better outside. Vins (yes, my blogging partner) has already jumped into the water to snorkel. It was cold, he said, but he wished I would go and share the cold with him because we’re a team. I responded by pointing out that I am and have always been a very cold person, that he should take one for the team, and maybe as a reward, I won’t eat his share of lunch.
It was only then that I got to take a look at the boat. passions of Paradise is a custom-designed sailing catamaran built by Kanga Birtles to the standards of the Sydney Naval architect Graham Parker. constructed specifically for commercial sailing to Paradise Reef and Michaelmas Cay, the vessel is 25 meters long, featuring a 10.4m beam and fiberglass composite hulls. The boat has two big toilets, one of which I had become very familiar with, unfortunately.
After only 30 minutes, Vins was back from a date with Nemo. “It was beautiful,” he shared. (Vins will be writing about his snorkeling experience at Paradise Reef in a separate post.)
Michaelmas Cay
After a hearty lunch, consisted of a platter of cold cuts and substantial bowls of pasta, salad, and prawns, we moved on to our next stop. At this point, I was feeling a lot better but still not well enough to swim. Such a shame that I was at the terrific barrier Reef but couldn’t see the trove of treasure it hides underneath the waves. Shame, shame.
The guy-whose-name-slipped-my-mind checked on me and made sure I had adequate lunch. “If you really can’t snorkel, why don’t you join the Glass bottom boat Tour?” navrhol.
Glass bottom Boat
The Glass bottom boat tour is, well, pretty self-explanatory. We hopped on a much smaller boat and in between the flanks of seats ran a groove that allowed underwater view. Our guide was generous with information and explained mAkékoľvek zaujímavé fakty o prosperujúcej morskej divočine v okolí. Bolo tu množstvo koralov všetkých typov, ale vrcholom turné boli obrovské mušle, zelené korytnačky a niekoľko žralokov čiernych tipov plávajúcich okolo Michaelmas Cay.
Po približne 40 minútach vodného voyeurizmu sme sa rozhodli zasiahnuť pobrežie, kde nás privítali nával migračných vtákov. Michaelmas Cay je jedným z siedmich najdôležitejších miest chovu morských vtákov na útesovom útese Barrier. Nachádza sa 40 km severovýchodne od Cairns. Je to jediné miesto v časti Cairns v mieste dedičstva UNESCO, ktoré umožňuje návštevníkom prístup k morskému vtákovi, hoci provizórny plot priťahuje hranicu medzi oblasťami vtákov a plážou pre turistov.
Michaelmas Cay
Michaelmas Cay je šľachtiteľské miesto pre mnoho druhov rybákov.
Michaelmas Cay je rajom pre šnorchlerov aj plážové zadky.
BirdLife International vyhlásil Cay dôležitú oblasť vtákov pre svoju úlohu pri podpore významných populácií sadzobných a hrebeňových rybákov a spoločného Noddyho.
Šnorchlery brodili plytkú vodu späť na pobrežie. Desiatky rybákov slávne kĺzali nad hlavou nad hlavou. Loď elegantne tancovala vlnami; V tejto časti útesu sú oveľa jemnejšie. Vietor bol hravý a strčil mi vlasy. Tento deň možno nezačal tak, ako som chcel, ale teraz to bola voda pod mostom. Sedel som na pružnom, práškovom piesku, sledoval som všetku krásu, ktorá ma obklopovala, a nechal to všetko ponoriť.
Krásne lieky.
Bol som v poriadku. A bolo to perfektné.
Vášeň raja
1 Spence St, Cairns City Qld 4870 Austrália
E -mail: rezervá
Webová stránka:
Sadzby (vrátane poplatkov za útes):
Dospelý: Aud 169
Dieťa (4-14): Aud 110
Kde pobyt: Cairns Central Yha Hostel ponúka bezpečné a ekonomické ubytovanie v srdci mesta. Postele sú také nízke ako AUD 21.50.
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Philippine Airlines teraz letí do Cairns non-Stop! Zarezervujte si svoj let nižšie.
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