Teach English To Korean students online (7 companies That Pay)

one of my favorite things about teaching English online is the opportunity to meet students from all around the world. Some platforms have a global student base but others focus on teaching students from a particular country.

In this post, we’ll look at 5 companies where you can instruct English online to Korean students. 

I’ve been an online English teacher because 2017 and I love the location independence, schedule flexibility, and of course, spending time with my remarkable learners!

It’s pretty amazing to think that you can practically travel to the other side of the world without leaving home, and I’ve loved getting to learn about my student’s cultures. 

While I’ve mainly worked for Chinese online ESL companies, there are also plenty of exciting online English teaching jobs for Korean students! 

Here are 7 companies where you can instruct English online to Korean students from the comfort of home.

1. Nil English
2. Tutoring Go
3. EnglishHunt
4. CafeTalk
5. ZikTalk
Other Platforms
Tips For teaching English online To Korean Students
A note about Korean English teaching Companies

1. Nil English

Nil English is a smaller online platform providing lessons to adults and children from Korea. because Nil English serves clients of all ages, there is a broad range of hours available.

Students on Nil English will see you for several weeks at a time so you have some consistency in your schedule. classes are held on Zoom, Skype, or over a phone call, depending on what the student prefers.

While particular lesson plans aren’t provided, you will receive curriculum and guidelines from Nil English as to what your student is learning about.  

Teacher Requirements

To instruct with Nil English, you should be a native English speaker from the USA. A Bachelor’s degree or Associates degree is required, a TEFL certification is preferred, but not required.

When you apply, make sure to include any teaching experiences or relevant qualifications on your resume to give yourself the best chance of getting accepted. 

Informácie o platbe

Teachers on Nil English make around $7 – $10 per hour at first. teachers are paid  $1.50 per 10-minute class and there are opportunities for raises every few months if you stick with the platform. 


Classes can be anywhere from 10 mins to an hour, with classes starting early in the morning and ending at midnight Korea time. 

How To sign Up

To sign up for Nil English, all you need to do is send an email to info@nilenglish.com and attach your resume. You’ll get an email to set up the interview on Skype they will ask about your background and experience.

If you’re approved, they will send over your paperwork and you’ll complete your profile. Then, they will assign you students to help you get started. 

 Get Your TEFL Certificate!

Increase your odds of being hired, receive higher-paid jobs, and meet the requirements of numerous teaching companies. have a look at MyTEFL which is an affordable, certified company. Click here and use promotion code GOATS35 to receive 35% off your certification.

Or, check out the TEFL Academy for a level 5 certification. Click here to receive 50% off your application.

2. Tutoring Go

Tutoring (which is also referred to as TutoringGo in some places), is an audio conversation platform for teaching English to Korean adults and children.

Classes are one-on-one and the platform is available 24/7, making this terrific for teachers who just want to hop on and instruct when it suits their schedule.

Students can choose if they want a freestyle conversation a lesson from offered discussion topics and curriculum. Either way, there is minimal outside prep work for teachers. 

Teacher Requirements

Tutoring provides two different programs for teachers: global and Native.

The global tutoring program is open to teachers from the Philipines and the native tutoring program is open to teachers from the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, new Zealand, and Ireland. 

For both the global and the native teaching position, you should hold a Bachelor’s Degree, have some experience teaching (online or in-classroom), and have a TEFL certificate.

This is one of the only companies I’m aware of that you can instruct English online to Korean students as a citizen of the Philippines.

For technology, teachers will need to instruct from a wired connection with 10mbps or above. WiFi is not permitted for teaching.

Informácie o platbe

Teachers are paid $10 per class and will receive a perk if they instruct during top hours. top timE je od 6:00 kórejského času do 10:00 kórejského času. Učitelia sú platení prostredníctvom PayPal dvakrát mesačne.


Tutoring Go je otvorené 24 hodín a triedy sú dlhé 20 minút. Neexistujú žiadne minimálne alebo maximálne hodiny výučby a môžete pracovať, kedykoľvek budete chcieť.

Najvyšší dopyt po triedach je počas „špičkového času“, ktorý je od 6:00 do 10:00 kórejského času.

Ako sa prihlásiť

Ak sa chcete zaregistrovať, kliknite sem. Ak sú k dispozícii nejaké otvory, budete môcť začať proces prijímania do zamestnania.

Ak chcete najať doučovanie, začnete odoslaním súborov a písomnou aplikáciou. Odošlete tiež audio a video nahrávanie na vyhodnotenie.

Ak prejdete, budete pozvaní na telefonický rozhovor a falošnú triedu. Nakoniec získate vo svojej triede počiatočné školenie učiteľov a pokračujúcu podporu.

Dozviete sa oveľa viac o doučovaní, choďte sem

3. Angličtina

EnglishHunt poskytuje študentom v Kórei online lekcie jazyka, pretože začiatkom roku 2000. Celkovo má EnglishHunt dobré recenzie na webe. Vďaka ľahkej atmosfére je Angličtina známa tým, že je úžasným spôsobom, ako poučiť kórejských dospelých online.

Súčasní učitelia ako responzívni personály a bezstarostná atmosféra, ale rovnako ako pri všetkých platformách zameraných na Áziu, hodiny sú skoro. K dispozícii sú plány lekcií a materiály.

Požiadavky učiteľa

EnglishHunt si najíma amerických občanov a na prijatie platby budete potrebovať americký bankový účet.

Aby ste inštruovali s angličtinou, mali by ste mať bakalársky titul v akomkoľvek predmete alebo štyri roky vyučovacej skúsenosti. Učitelia by mali mať aj certifikáciu TEFL.

Na rozdiel od mnohých populárnych platforiem funguje softvér EnglishHunt Teacher Software iba s operačným systémom Windows. Podľa ich webových stránok nebudete môcť poučiť z počítača Apple alebo Mac alebo z tabletu alebo Chromebooku.

Učitelia by mali mať aj ethernetové pripojenie a náhlavnú súpravu s mikrofónom.

Informácie o platbe

EnglishHunt platí 14 USD za hodinu. Učitelia sa platia priamym vkladom na svoj americký bankový účet.


Najvyšší dopyt po triedach na angličtine je od 1:00 do 3:00 EST. To zodpovedá popoludnia v Kórei.

Táto stránka nešpecifikuje určitý počet hodín, ktoré by sa mali učitelia otvoriť, zdá sa však, že by mohli najímať len sezónne, aby zodpovedali ich semestrom.

Otvárajú semester tried od augusta a semester tried od marca.

Ako sa prihlásiť

Ak sa chcete pripojiť, jednoducho kliknite sem. To vás zavedie do aplikácie a môžete začať.

Dozviete sa oveľa viac o anglickom love

4. kaviareň

Cafetalk je online vzdelávacia platforma s veľkou študentskou základňou v Kórei, Japonsku a Číne. Majú tiež študentov na celom svete, ale pravdepodobne budete v určitom okamihu spolupracovať so študentmi z Kórey, pretože je to veľké percento študentov.

Cafetalk je na rozdiel od iných platforiem v tomto zozname, pretože môžete pokyn oveľa viac ako len jazyky. Na CafeTalk môžete okrem jazykových lekcií skutočne poučiť akýkoľvek predmet, o ktorom sa poznáte, napríklad jogu, matematika a kurzy varenia.

Požiadavky učiteľa

Pretože lekcie CafeTalk môžu pokrývať rôzne predmety, neexistuje žiadny súbor požiadaviek, ktoré by mali splniť všetci učitelia. Mali by ste byť odborníkom v oblasti, ktorú chcete poučiť a plynule v jazyku, ktorý chcete učiť.

Učitelia by tiež mali usporiadať triedy pomocou Skype na tablete, notebooku alebo stolnom počítači. Triedy sa nedajú vyučovať z telefónov.

Informácie o platbe

Lektori na CafeTalk si môžu stanoviť svoje vlastné platové sadzby. Keď prvýkrát začínate, CafeTalk si za každú triedu ponechá 40% poplatku. Keď poučíte oveľa viac na platforme, toto percento klesne až o 20%.


Pretože CafeTalk má študentov na celom svete, platforma je otvorená 24 hodín denne, 7 dní v týždni. Neexistujú žiadne minimálne alebo maximálne hodiny výučby a môžete si vybrať, ako dlho a kedy sú vaše triedy.

Ako sa prihlásiť

Ak sa chcete zaregistrovať, kliknite sem a požiadajte o účet. Vyplníte svoj profil a dokončíte ľahký pohovor. Po schválení tímom CafeTalk ste pripravení učiť!

Dozviete sa oveľa viac o Cafe Talk

5. Ziktalk

Ak sa chcete stať kauzálnym lektorom online angličtiny pre kórejských študentov, Ziktalk je spôsob, ako ísť! Platforma jazyka, čiastočne sociálne médiá, Zikzalk je aplikácia na výmenu jazykov komunity, ktorá umožňuje tútorom viesť rozhovory so študentmi jazykov po celom svete.

So Ziktalk sú učitelia platení o minútu za to, že sa chatujú s kórejskými študentmi prostredníctvom svojich telefónov. lekcie môžube through video calls or audio-only phone calls. 

Požiadavky učiteľa

ZikTalk is a pretty casual platform so there aren’t a lot of teacher requirements.

To be a community Tutor, there are no degrees or requirements other than the ability to speak the language you want to teach. 

To become a professional Tutor, you should have one year of teaching experience and certification of some kind. The exact certifications aren’t specified but usually, this implies either a degree or a TEFL certification. 

You will also need to have a reputable Internet connection and the ability to download the ZikTalk app. 

Informácie o platbe

If you are a community Tutor, you will make $3 per hour. If you are a professional Tutor, you can set your own pay rate from $3-$30 per hour. 

Tutors are paid by the minute. The platform keeps 20% of whatever you earn from the lessons. 


ZikTalk is a totally free chat platform. This implies that when you are online a student can call in and you’ll be paid by the minute for the duration of the call.

Even though you can be online whenever you want, remember that many of your students will be in Korea and will call at times that work with their schedules. 

There are no minimum or maximum teaching hours. When you apply, you’ll tell ZikTalk what your preferred teaching schedule is. When you’re approved, your account will automatically become available during the schedule you set (meaning you can receive calls).

You can go in and manually close or open availability any time, so this isn’t set in stone. 

Ako sa prihlásiť

To sign up, download the ZikTalk app and make an account. then you can apply to be a tutor directly in their phone app. 

You will be taken to a screen where you set your hourly rate. You will be paid by the minute using this hourly rate as the baseline. keep in mind that ZikTalk keeps 20% so account for that when you set your price. 

On the next screen, you’ll set your working hours. For your working hours, you will automatically show up as online and available to receive calls during this window.

You can manually disable this on a day to day basis if needed, but it will default to the on position. You can choose whichever hours and days of the week you want.

Next, you will complete your teacher profile. You will tell ZikTalk your fluency level in a variety of languages. You’ll be able to add interest labels and submit a profile picture. You’ll need to record a teacher introductory video and you can do that directly in the ZikTalk app. 

Once your teacher profile is complete, you’ll update files to verify your identity — like your passport, degree, and any certifications. 

You’ll hit submit and then the ZikTak team will review everything you sent in. once you’re approved, you’ll receive a message directly in the app letting you know you’re ready to start teaching. 

Learn much more about ZIK TALK

Other Platforms

Of course, you could always sign up with Cambly or PrePly where you can instruct students from around the globe, including Koreans. While these 2 platforms aren’t strictly for Korean students only, they are easy to use and are highly recommended.

With Cambly, you earn $0.17 per minute, or $10.20 per hour. find out much more in our guide to becoming a Cambly tutor or click here to be directed to their website. 

With PrePly, you set your own rates, but top teachers are earning $500/week! find out much more about Preply in our guide to becoming a teacher with PrePly, or click here to be directed to their website. 

Tips For teaching English online To Korean Students

As you prepare for your first online English lessons for Korean students, remember the following tips.

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